VRH Q - D.O.B. 14.12.2020
3 males and 3 females
Combination of great agility lines. NNL M´Black Racer, Rising sun Dark Raider, Astra Maverick, Toberoi Zeppelin.
These puppies are expected to be extremely fast and agile. They should also inherit an amazing psyche after their parents.
Fantastic Eshai Quick angel x Shepworld I’m on Fire

HD B VIDEO training
ED 0/0
OCD free
OCD free
DNA/CEA, TNS - normal by parentage
Eshai: agility A3, NHAT
HD-A, spondypoz-negativ.
ED - free, OCD-free
CEA/DNA: carrier
TNS: DNA normal
CL: DNA normal
MDR1: DNA normal
MH: DNA normal
IGS: DNA normal
ED - free, OCD-free
CEA/DNA: carrier
TNS: DNA normal
CL: DNA normal
MDR1: DNA normal
MH: DNA normal
IGS: DNA normal
Qwerteus - SR (male)
HD-A, ED-free, OCD-free, LTV-0, Sponfyloz-free

QUINTANA - Denmark ( female )
HD - A, ED-free. OCD-free, LTV-0, spondyloz-free

Quinn - Czech republic ( male)
HD A, ED 0, OCD negatívne, 0/0 PL, SA 0, L7

Qassias - Czech republic ( male )
HD A, ED 0, OCD negatívne,

Qwerty - Czech republic (female)
Quinn of Finland - Finland ( female )